Chinese Conversation I
- 저자
- Lee Jae-don, Mo Hae-yeon & Wang Ha 지음 |
- 발행일
- 2004-05-01
- 정가
- 10,000원
- 판형
- 187X256
- 분량
- 194쪽
- 언어
- 기타
- 8973005545 판매중
- 책 소 개
This is a Chinese language textbook focused on communication-oriented teaching and learning. It is designed to facilitate easy learning of Chinese and general understanding of Chinese-speak-ing regions of the world. Many visual materials were used to set up diverse situations for dialogue between a Korean and a Chinese to guide everyday con-versation.
- 저자소개
지은이 : Lee Jae-don, Mo Hae-yeon & Wang Ha
- 차 례