- 저자
- 이배용 지음 | 이경희 엮음 |
- 발행일
- 2008-10-20
- 정가
- 28,000원
- 판형
- 152X225
- 분량
- 320쪽
- 언어
- 영어
- 9788973007721 판매중
- 책 소 개
The Ewha Womans University Press has published an English edition of "Women in Korean History," written by Dr. Lee Bae-yong, a renowned history professor and current president of the university. The book reviews the lives of Korean women from ancient times to the 20th century through in-depth analysis of various customs and institutions related to women as well as brief biographies of women in many fields who distinguished themselves.
The history of women has largely been ignored in the official history of the Korean nation and often distorted under the predominant male-centered patriarchal viewpoints. This book brings to light the significant contributions and achievements of Korean women, which have been hidden or underestimated. From a broad humanitarian perspective, the author looks back on the dynamic and glorious paths trodden by Korean women overcoming feudalistic constraints for over 20 centuries.
This English version, illustrated with rich visual material, is intended to arouse interest in the past lives of Korean women and Korean history and culture in general at home and abroad. Through the wisdom of women from the past the book seeks to create a new history of women for the future, thereby contributing to humanity and civilization.
The book consists of three parts. Part One focuses on the life of Korean women during the Joseon period (1392-1910) in view of the Confucian social systems and institutions, including marriage, property inheritance, gender segregation and chastity. It also sheds light on the lives of queens, court ladies and shamans, among other female professionals, and how they navigated through political and social turmoil.
Part Two traces the lives of great women who left prominent footsteps in history from ancient to medieval and modern times. The brief but well-documented biographical accounts introduce a panoramic glimpse on how women achieved self-realization and contributed to society and the nation despite various restrictions. The remarkable trailblazers include Queen Seondeok and Empress Myeongseong, poet Heo Nanseolheon, painter Rha Hye-suk, pilot Park Gyeong-won and dancer Choe Seung-hui.
Part Three reviews the lives of women through historical records such as "The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty" and "The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyeong." The palaces and the royal ancestral shrine of the Joseon Dynasty, traditionally considered the arenas of men, are revisited with eyes focused on the role of women, how they carved their niches in the male-dominated political scene.
- 저자소개
지은이 : 이배용
이화여자대학교 사학과와 동 대학원을 졸업하고, 서강대학교 대학원에서 문학 박사학위를 받았다. 이화여자대학교 사학과 교수를 역임했고, 2006년 이화여자대학교 제13대 총장에 취임하여 현재 재임 중이다. 한국사립대학총장협의회장, 한국대학교육협의회 부회장, 국사편찬위원회 위원, 한국학술진흥재단 이사를 겸하고 있다.
주요 저서로는『한국 근대 광업침탈사 연구』(1989),『한국사회사상사』(1996),『한국사의 새로운 이해』(1997),『우리나라 여성들은 어떻게 살았을까』(1999),『한국 역사 속의 여성들』(2005) 외 다수가 있다.
옮김이 : 이경희
Graduated form the English Department, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Cultural reporter of The Korea Times
Managind editor of the ASPAC Quarterly of Cultural and Social Affairs
Cultural editor, managing editor and edior-in-chief of The Korea Herald
Executive director of the Seoul English Village
Editor of Korea Focus
- 차 례
Part I Women's Life during the Joseon Dynasty
Chapter 1 Confucianism and Women's Life
Chapter 2 Activities and Roles of Joseon Women
Chapter 3 Diverse Aspects of the Life of Joseon Women
Chapter 4 Women's Life and Role in War and Factional StrugglePart Ⅱ Great Women in History
Chapter 5 Women of the Three Kingdoms Period
Chapter 6 Women of the Goryeo Period
Chapter 7 Women of the Joseon Period
Chapter 8 Women of the Modern PeriodPart Ⅲ Historical Records and Sites Related with Women
Chapter 9 Korean Women as Seen Through Historical Records and SitesEpilogue