
History of Goguryeo
- 저자
- Shin Hyong-sik 지음 |
- 발행일
- 2003-09-01
- 정가
- 28,000원
- 판형
- Altered Crown size
- 분량
- 430쪽
- 언어
- 한국어
- 8973005286 판매중
- 책 소 개
Koguryo was not a local government of China. She was a dignified grand empire with individuality and sovereignty. Koguryo defended the Korean peninsula against Chinese invasions, while achieving a sophisticated cultural level that was transformed from the chinese and Occidental civilijations. Above all, Koguryo left a great cultural inheritance in the field of fortress architecture and tomb-painting. The former exhibited her actual lives and the latter showed her future hopes. But the south-intended policy including Pyong-Yang removal, is the beginning of her weakening and downfall. Koguryo abandoned the northern territories for the rich soils of the southern region.
- 저자소개
지은이 : Shin Hyong-sik
B.A.in History, Seoul National University College of Education
Ph.D in Literature, Danguk University
Professor at Ewha Womans University, Department of History(1981~2003)
Adjunct Professor at Sangmyung University
Former of the City History Compilation Commitee of Seoul,National Institute of Korean History
- 차 례