- 저자
- Yoo Won Chang, Heaeun Cho et al. 지음 | Heather A. Willoughby 옮김
- 발행일
- 2007-01-30
- 정가
- 15,000원
- 판형
- 신국판
- 분량
- 216쪽
- 언어
- 영어
- 9788973007172 판매중
- 책 소 개
Words such as globalization or internationalization did not exist in the 1880s when Mary F. Scranton and other female missionaries from the United States came to Korea with the intent of establishing a house of learning for an underprivileged and academically neglected class of Korean women, And yet, the efforts of the foreigners combined with the resolute strivings of the local students and faculty led to the creation and growth of the largest women's university in the world today. Ewha Womans University, since its founding, has exemplified the power and potential of international cooperation. We investigate the international interactions and achievements of her Presidents, and in the telling, this volume recounts the many diverse ways in which Ewha Womans University is and always has been a global institution.
- 저자소개
지은이 : Yoo Won Chang, Heaeun Cho et al.
Yoo Won Chang, Heaeun Cho, Andrea Yoo-Sun Choi, Joo-Yong Choi,
Donald N. Clark, Reela Khalifa, Eun Mee Kim, Jung Yean Kim,
Nicole Kim, MeeHyoe Koo, Soohee Lee, Sun-joo Lee, You Ree Lee, Rhie-young Lim,
Sora Min, Ky Park, Sook-young Park, Sunnie Park, Juyearn Sun
엮음이 : Heather A. Willoughby
Assistant Professor of the Graduate school of International Studies at Ewha Womans university.
Received Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology from Columbia university.
- 차 례