
A War of Memories : Historical
- 저자
- Lee Gye-hwang 지음 |
- 발행일
- 2003-05-01
- 정가
- 13,000원
- 판형
- 152X225
- 분량
- 302쪽
- 언어
- 영어
- 8973005413 판매중
- 책 소 개
Japan’s distortion of modern and contem-porary history remains unabated. This book reviews the persistent historical perception of successive Japanese governments since the end of World War II, its origin and development. It is designed to provide momentum for Korea to learn a lesson from Japan’s misdeeds and reconsider its own historical studies and history education in pursuit of a new direction.
- 저자소개
지은이 : Lee Gye-hwang
- 차 례