- 저자
- 신장현(Chang Hyun Shin Geer) 지음 |
- 발행일
- 2012-09-14
- 정가
- 22,000원
- 판형
- 152X225
- 분량
- 240쪽
- 언어
- 영어
- 9788973009572 판매중
- 책 소 개
River of Faith is an inspiring case study revealing how the internationally recognized Ewha Womans University emerged as Christians, mostly women, in Korea and North America partnered over generations to uplift the status of women in society through education. This historical perspective of the International Foundation for Ewha Womans University (IFEWU) reveals the importance of long-term institution building and global-scale education movements.
River of Faith is a metaphor for a stream of compassion that flows to and through Ewha Womans University. Integral to the River of Faith story was the broad-based "Woman's Work for Woman" movement by Methodist women in North America begun in the late 19th century that fueled the creation of Ewha. Equally significant is Ewha's recent establishment and support of programs that advance its status "from the receiving university to a giving university" by opening its gates to underserved women students from developing countries.
The IFEWU was established in 1970 to assure the continuation of the North American commitment to assist Ewha in fulfilling Dr. Helen Kim's dreams of building a premier institution and promoting internationalism in which all people, including women and regardless of national boundaries, fully participate. Dr. Kim was Ewha's first Korean president.
This book centers on the creation and evolution of IFEWU over a 40-year period as it assisted Ewha Womans University through financial support for major buildings including the construction and equipping of the Centennial Library and Mokdong Hospital, the renovation of Welch-Ryang Auditorium, and the ongoing maintenance of Pfeiffer Hall. Additionally, IFEWU provided support for faculty enhancement and the Helen Kim International Lectureship. In recent decades, it has provided important assistance through scholarships for Ewha students through endowments set up by Ewha alumna, Ewha alumna chapters, and Ewha friends.
IFEWU continued and expanded on the benevolence of earlier organizations and individuals in North America to promote the education of girls and women in Korea. Over turbulent times, warm working and personal relationships formed as Ewha matured into an outstanding educational institution that seeks and builds international partnerships. IFEWU stands ready to be of service to Ewha in these efforts, as it learned from Dr. Helen Kim the valuable lesson of the good that happened as she crossed national boundaries to "make friends for Ewha."
- 저자소개
지은이 : 신장현(Chang Hyun Shin Geer)
이화여대 교육학과를 졸업하고 동 대학원에서 석사학위를 받았다. 이화여대 부속 중·고등학교에서 생활지도교사와 영어교사로 잠시 재직한 뒤 미국으로 건너가 컬럼비아대 사범대학에서 석사학위를, 뉴욕주립대 버펄로캠퍼스에서 철학박사학위를 받았다. 뉴욕주립대 브록포트캠퍼스에서 학생처 차장을 역임했다.
전 세계 여성들의 교육을 장려하고 권리를 신장하기 위한 일에 오랫동안 열정적으로 임하고 있다. 사우디아라비아 최초의 여학교에서 교사로 일했으며, 1998년부터 이화국제재단에서 부이사장 및 모금기획부장으로 봉사한 후 2005년 은퇴하여 현재까지 명예이사로 활동하고 있다. 또한 아시아 여성들의 고등교육을 위한 기금 조성 프로젝트도 앞장서서 진행하고 있다.
저서로는 Korean Americans and Ethnic Heritage Education: A Case Study in Western New York, 역서로는 Challenges for Women: Women's Studies in Korea 등이 있으며, 주요 논문으로는 "Moral Education Textbooks and the Making of Model Citizens in Japan and Korea in the Early Twentieth Century"가 있다.
- 차 례
IntroductionPart 1 Woman’s Work for Woman
Education for Girls and Women in Korea
Historical Context Surrounding Ewha in the Early 20th Century
Launching a New Campus: The Audacity of Alice R. Appenzeller
The Pfeiffer Endowment
“The Only College for Women in Korea Needs Your Help”: Helen K. Kim
Ewha’s 50th Anniversary Celebration - River of Faith: 1936Part 2 Establishing Global Networks: 1936-1967
Ewha Cooperative Board in North America
An Evolving Partnership: 1930s
Ewha Transitions and Grows: Post World War II
Sustaining the Challenges: 1951-1961
“The Best is Yet to Be”: 1961 and Beyond
Shaping Ewha’s Future as a Global University: 1966 and OnwardPart 3 A New Era, “The Sweet Fragrance of Knowledge”
Ewha Decade Development Committee: 1966-1971
Ewha Womans University Development Committee: 1967-1969
The Emerging International Foundation for Ewha Womans University: 1969-1970
“Win a Friend for Ewha.” ... “Right Here and Now.”Part 4 The International Foundation for Ewha Womans University
The Inaugural Meeting of the International Foundation: 1970
The International Foundation Comes into Being
“There Must Be a Way to Let the Splendor Out”
The Seabury Foundation
Moving Forward: 1979-1990Part 5 New Frontiers and the Centennial Celebration: 1981-1989
The Foundation Helps Our Ewha to Become a Mecca of Learning
Laying Systematic Networking
Dedication of Dr. Kilchai K. Yim to Partner with Alumnae Groups
Fundraising for the Centennial Memorial Library: 1982-1986
Into Ewha’s Second Century: 1987-1989The Ewha Centennial Afterglow
Part 6 The New Era Growing with Hope and Faith: 1980-1995
Increasing Constituencies for the Foundation
“Putting Our Feet Forward on Education”: 1989-1995
In Celebration of the Foundation’s First Twenty Years: 1989
Dedication at its Finest
Growing Alumnae Participation Brings Change: 1990 and Beyond
Marking the 25th Anniversary of the Foundation: 1995
Mokdong Hospital Building: “Love and Devotion in Ewha Consciousness”Part 7 Service and Progress
Shaping International Exchange Programs
Moving into the New Millennium: 1996-2000
Finance Investments: 1971-2009Part 8 Making a Difference for Ewha Students
Scholarship Disbursement
Celebrating Thirty Years of the International Foundation: 1999Part 9 Launching the 21st Century
“Remembering the Past ... Imagine for the Future”
Revering Ewha in a Personal Way
The Foundation Imagines for the Future
Student Appreciation of Foundation Scholarships
International Foundation Biennial Fundraisers: 2003-2009Part 10 Ensuring Partnerships in the 21st Century
Abiding Commitment for Partnership
Advancing the Role of Women in Medicine in the Global Society
Alumnae’s Expanding Role in Fundraising
Spreading the Spirit of Ewha
“Gates Are Open to the New World”
Meeting Financial Challenges
Honoring the Past: The Foundation’s 40th Anniversary Celebration
The Future OutlookPart 11 Moving Forward
Establishing the Foundation: University Partnership
Helping in Shaping the Future of Ewha
Strengthening the Partnership with Ewha Alumnae
Seeking the New VisionEpilogue
Selected Bibliography