- 저자
- Edited by Chang Pilwha and Kim Eun-Shil 엮음 |
- 발행일
- 2005-06-15
- 정가
- 21,000원
- 판형
- 152*225
- 분량
- 304쪽
- 언어
- 영어
- 897300638X 판매중
- 책 소 개
This is the first-ever English textbook series on women’s studies in Asia. More than 100 Asian feminist scholars and campaigners participated in the project, agreeing that they needed to shed traditional Western academic orientation.
Women’s Experiences and Feminist Practices in South Korea
This Korean textbook was jointly compiled by two leading feminist scholars of Ewha Womans University―Prof. Kim Eun-shil, director of the Asian Women’s Studies Center, and Prof. Chang Pil-wha of the Women’s Studies Department. It analyzes women’s status in Korean society under Confucianism and nationalism, feminist movements since the 1980s, and changes surrounding new familism and sexuality.
Women’s Studies in Asia Series
[China] Mapping the Social, Economic and Policy Changes in Chinese Women's Lives
[India] Some Contemporary Contours: Women's Studies in India
[Indonesia] Indonesian Women in Changing Society
[South Korea] Women's Experiences and Feminist Practices in South Korea
[The Philippines] Selected Reading in Women's Studies in the Philippines
[Taiwan] Women's Studies in Taiwan: Gender, Culture & Society
[Thailand] Power, Knowledge and Justice: Women's Studies in Thailand
- 저자소개
옮김이 : Edited by Chang Pilwha and Kim Eun-Shil
Edited by Chang Pilwha and Kim Eun-Shil
- 차 례
preface Producing Knowledge from Asia Feminist Perspectives
chapter 1
The Nature of Women's Studies as Experienced in Feminist Research in Korea
chapter 2
Women and Discourses of Nationalism : Critical Readings of Culture, Power and Subject
chapter 3
Patriarchy and Confucianism : Feminist Critique and Reconstruction of Confucianism in Korea
chapter 4
Talking about Sexuality
chapter 5
Neo - Familism and Women : The Modern Transformation of the Korean Family
chapter 6
The Formation of Subjectivities among Korean Women Workers : A Historical Review
chapter 7
Modernization Experiences of Urban and Rural Low-Income Korean Women
chapter 8
The Politics of Gender Identity : The Women's Movement in Korea in the 1980s and 1990s
chapter 9
An Analysis of Legislative Policy for Performance of CEDAW(Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) in Korea