fnctId=bbs,fnctNo=176 RSS 2.0 게시물 검색 제목 작성자 공통(상단고정) 공지 게시글 2025년 DL이앤씨 외국인 유학생 채용 2024-11-07 외국인 유학생 전용 취업 매칭 K-Work 플랫폼 등록 안내 2024-11-06 [법무법인(유한)대륜] 미래전략실 비서팀(영어, 한국어 능통 외국인) 채용 2024-10-22 게시글 리스트 2025년 DL이앤씨 외국인 유학생 채용 새글 2024-11-07 외국인 유학생 전용 취업 매칭 K-Work 플랫폼 등록 안내 새글 2024-11-06 서울글로벌센터 OASIS-2(지식재산권 소양 심화교육) 참여자 모집 2024-10-24 [법무법인(유한)대륜] 미래전략실 비서팀(영어, 한국어 능통 외국인) 채용 2024-10-22 Asia K-BANKER School 참가자 모집 2024-10-22 HL만도 구매팀 인턴 채용 2024-10-18 - 모집 기간: ~10/23(수) 23:59- 근무 기간: 채용 시점~25.02.28- 홈페이지 지원: https://hlcompany.recruiter.co.kr/app/jobnotice/view?systemKindCode=MRS2 jobnoticeSn=195383 2024년 오뚜기 하반기 대졸신입사원 및 외국인유학생 채용 2024-10-18 제4회 외국인 취창업페어(ISF FALL 2024) 2024-10-11 2024 Kia Global(Foreigner) Career Opening - Deadline Extended 2024-10-07 ※ 아래와 같이 접수 기간이 연장되었으니, 관심 있는 학생은 확인 후 지원하시기 바랍니다. [기존] 2024.10.02(목) 15:00 ~ 2024.10.14(월) 13:00[변경] 2024.10.02(목) 15:00 ~ 2024.10.21(월) 13:00 Global Intern for Startups 2024-10-07 Ever wondered what it’s like to work for a startup in Korea?Now is your chance to work at startups handpicked by d.camp, Korea’s largest startup foundation funded by 19 banks in Korea! What is Global Intern for Startups?- 20 startups are looking for international talent willing to join their journey in going global. This is a paid winter internship program. Working conditions may differ by company.- Job posts and company information can be found exclusively on K-campus, a one-stop platform that provides everything international students need to adapt to student life in Korea.- The program also offers an offline company briefing session and visa counseling sessions to make sure you can successfully build your career in Korea! How to Apply- Choose up to three startups you want to apply to (you can apply to up to three positions per company)- Submit your applications through K-campus- After submitting your application, schedules for interview sessions and final assessment can vary by each startup Employment type1. Type A: Up to two months working on a specific project2. Type B: Three months or longer with the possibility of further employment after the internship is overBenefits- Free legal consulting on working in Korea- Free pass to use remote working spaces provided by d.camp in Seolleung, Mapo and Busan- Welcome kit and onboarding sessions- Networking events for all hired interns through this program (once per month)Application PeriodSept. 30 ~ Oct. 25, 2024 (11:59 p.m.)FOR MORE DETAILShttps://kcampus.kr/career/global-startup-internship-2024/?utm_source=newsletter utm_medium=board 처음 145 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 페이지 다음 끝