2022-05-17 , 695 Views

해외입국자 코로나19 음성확인서 제출 기준 변경(2022. 7. 21. 업데이트) / Changes in Pre-Departure Negative COVID-19 Test Result Requirement (Updated July 21)

1. 2022. 5. 23.부터 해외입국자의 코로나19 음성확인서 제출기준이 변경됩니다.



변경(5. 23.~)


‣ NAATs(Nucleic acid amplification

tests) 기법*에 기초한 검사

* 유전자 증폭 검출(RT-PCR, LAMP, TMA,

SDA, NEAR 등)에 기반

- 전문가용 항원검사(RAT, AG,

Antigen)등은 인정하지 않음

* 검사기법과 상관없이 검체채취를 스스로

실시하는 경우는 인정하지 않음.

‣ <현행과 동일>



- 또는 전문가용 항원검사(RAT,

AG, Antigen)도 인정함


* <현행과 동일>

② 검사 및


‣ 출발일 0시 기준 48시간(2일) 이내 검사


* (예시) ‘22.5.10. 10:00시 출발 시 ’22.5.8.

0시 이후 검사한 것으로 확인된 PCR음성확인서

‣ <현행과 동일>

- 전문가용 항원검사는 출발일 0시 기준 24시간(1일) 이내 검사

* (예시) ‘22.5.23. 10:00시 출발 시 5.21일 0시 이후 검사한 것으로 확인된 PCR음성확인서

(또는 5.22일 0시 이후 검사한 것으로 확인된

전문가용 항원검사 음성확인서)


‣ 성명*, 생년월일**, 검사방법, 검사일자, 검사결과, 발급일자, 검사 기관명이 기재되어 있을 것

* 성명은 여권 기재내용과 동일(여권과 성명이 동일하다면 미들네임은 생략 가능)

** 여권번호 또는 ID카드번호도 가능


‣ 검사 결과가 ‘음성’ 일 것

* 검사결과 기재사항이 ‘미결정’, ‘양성’ 등인 경우 인정하지 않음


‣‘검사방법’항목은 한글 또는 영문으로 발급되어야 할 것

* 검사방법이 한글이나 영문이 아닌 경우, 한글 또는 영문 번역본과 번역인증 서류를 함께 제출 시

인정. (단, 개인번역본의 경우 공증기관이나 대사관의 인증을 받아야 함)


2. 2022. 7. 25.부터 입국 후 검사 의무 기준이 아래와 같이 변경됩니다.



입국 3일 이내 PCR(6~7일차 자가 RAT 권고

입국 후 1일차 PCR(6~7일차 자가 RAT 권고)

* 입국일 다음날까지 인정



1. The requirement for submission of a negative COVID-19 test result for incoming travellers from overseas will be changed as of May 23, 2022.


Requirement (AS-IS)

Requirement (TO-BE)

① Test type (Method)

‣ It needs to be based on nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs).


* PCR tests based on DNA amplification (RT-PCR, LAMP, TMA, SDA, NEAR, etc.) are valid; antigen/antibody detection tests (RAT, ELISA, etc.) are not valid.


* All forms of self-administered tests are NOT valid regardless of test type.

‣ It needs to be based on nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs).


* Either a supervised Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) taken at a hospital or clinic, or DNA amplification-based PCR test (RT-PCR, LAMP, TMA, SDA or NEAR, etc) is valid.

* All forms of self-administered tests are NOT valid regardless of test type.

② Time of testing and issuance of PCR negative certification

‣ From JAN 20. 2022, The testing must have been performed, and the PCR negative certificate must have been issued, within 48 hours (two days) before the departure date.


* (Example) If you are leaving at 10:00 on January 14, 2022, only a testing which was performed, and a PCR negative certificate which was issued, after 0:00 on January 11, 2022, are accepted.


※ Even if the testing was conducted prior to the 48-hour period, a certificate will be accepted(until January 19, 2022).

‣ The test must be performed and the PCR negative certificate must be issued within

48 hours (two days) before the departure date.

- A supervised negative COVID-19 RAT result must be issued within 24

hours prior to the departure date.

* (Example) If you are departing from a country to Korea on May 23, 2022 at

10:00, you must submit your negative PCR test result taken after 00:00 on May

21, 2022 or supervised negative RAT result taken after 00:00 on May 22, 2022.

③ Required items

‣ Name*, date of birth**, test method, test date, test result, date of issuance, and name of testing center should be included in the test result.


* The name on the test result needs to match the name on the passport (middle name can be omitted as long as the other names are identical)


** Passport number or national ID number is acceptable in lieu of date of birth

④Test result

‣ The test result must be NEGATIVE.


* If the test result is “INDETERMINATE”, “UNCLEAR”, or “POSITIVE”, the relevant result is invalid.


‣ The test method must be written in Korean or English.


* If the test method is written in a language other than Korean or English, a translated copy of the test result in Korean or English needs to be submitted together with a certificate of translation. (If the test result was translated by individual translators, the translated document needs to be certified by a notary office or Korean embassy.)

2. Test requirement upon entry in Korea will be changed as below as of July 25, 2022.



PCR test within 3 days (RAT test advised on 6th or 7th day)

PCR test on the day of arrival (RAT test advised on 6th or 7th day)

*Test taken on the next day of arrival is also accepted


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