2023-07-05 , 291 Views

Welcome to meeting with EPHIE !

EPHIE is a club consisting of pharmaceutical college students at Ewha Womans University. The members of the club are Korean undergraduates who are really looking forward to meeting with exchange students at Ewha. 

We have had the same kind of meeting session last year, and it was such an amazing experience. So this summer, EPHIE once more wants to interact with exchange students who can speak english. You don’t have to have English as first language, but should be able to communicate in English! (Since EPHIE members can only speak English as second language, we can’t help but leave out other language speakers. Sorry for that 🥲)

If you wanna participate in a Korean-English launguage exchange meeting on campus, CHECK BELOW FOR MORE INFO! 



️Eligible: English speaking students who want to practice Korean or want to meet Ewha Korean students 

️Meeting Date:  July 24 ~ August 31, on weekday lunchtime(evening is fine too), choose a detailed date with a team! 

️How to sign up: contact Seunghui (email:  seunghuik0225@ewhain.net), with completely impossible dates(or preferred dates) and your Kakao ID.


We will make a team of four to six people according to the available date. You can choose the detailed date within the team! 

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