2019-11-25 , 701 Views

Smith College Delegation visits President of Ewha

Smith College Delegation visits President of Ewha 첨부 이미지


A delegation from Smith College visited Ewha and had a meeting with President Heisook Kim of Ewha.

The delegation members are as follows:


 - Kathleen McCartney, President  

 - Joanna Olin, Chief of Staff to the President

 - Jacqui DeFelice, Director of International Alumnae Relations and Development

The Attendees for the meeting from Ewha are as follows:


- Heisook Kim, President

- Yoonjin Lee, Vice President for Admissions

- Bongjin Kim, Vice President for International Affairs

- Jung Hyun Choi, Associate Vice President for International Affairs(International Exchange Affairs)

 - Yong Kyun Kim, Associate Vice President for International Affairs(International Student Affairs)



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